Are you Lie-in King in disguise? Some good xword answers today mate - thankyou! Up the Reds!!! Personally, I should be saying 'Up the Blues' but that might not go down too well with you ;- )
No he's definitely just himself....would never be 'lie in king' he's up at 6 every morning. He didn't have me to distract him hence the improved performance....Hey I'm a Q and P WAG I will be banned from seeing him on Sundays if this goes on...
Hello PokerMan !
Thanks for the compliments, I enjoy the Sunday Crosswords and try and help out where I can without trying to steal Lie-in-King's niche as he has been on AB a lot longer than me.
Rowan comes first before anything else as she is my Soulmate ( Q & P WAG !!!!....ha ha )
Good luck to Birmingham FC although I am a Red myself. Rowan is a Blue ( Chelsea ) but I'll forgive her !!!
Enjoy your future Xwords !
ROFL!! Saw this earlier, but haven't had time to reply till now...
PokerMan - I haven't seen an "are you such-&-such or so-&-so" Q turned round like that before! I've been asked if I'm from "Eggheads", so does this mean that red could also be CJ?..
...Oh - I'M emphatically not from "Eggheads"!
So, I know I don't keep up with what goes on in CB, but are rowan & red an item? Haven't I asked that before? Deja-vu... Oh dear, I bet I've got the wrong end of the stick...
Very glad to see that rowan supports the right team! :-)) x
Thanks for your good wishes waterboatman ! Yes Rowan and myself are very Happy as she is a wonderful Person.
Hi Lie-in-King ! You are a long established and well respected user of AB in Q & P and although there are others like myself who try and help out with Answers, you are the Chuckfickens of Q & P !!!!
Regards !
Most of the gentlemen of a certain age like my current avatar...I just wish I had that sort of body...
Thanks for the good the way I have suggested a quiz tream transfer fee of £20 million for you...
rowan, trust me - they're not all gentlemen & their ages are irrelevant!..
Thank you for the flattering offer, but Roman's just told me that I don't have to repay the £5 & I've signed a new contract with a week off in Bognor thrown in! :-) x