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Seen any fun pics lately?

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bibblebub | 08:46 Fri 29th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
This was in the Times a couple of days ago (I know which one I've got my eye on).

Seen any other amusing / interesting pics recently?


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I like your avatar. That's a fun pic.
this is a funny video, but unless you speak the lingo youll need to read the story
Brilliant bibble
excellent, lol
Question Author
That marriage video is along the same lines as those people who get Chinese tattoos without knowing what has been written e.g. a woman had this done on her forearm

without realising that it translates as "my abusive husband pimps me out” (I'll have to take their word for it).
jno, that clip is just not funny and in fact very offensive.

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Seen any fun pics lately?

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