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Train journey from hell

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dotty. | 20:36 Fri 29th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Apparently there are leaves falling off trees this autumn and it is turning to a teflon coating on the rails and causing the train to slip.............shall I :
1) Post a Garth Brooks you tube link to compensate
2) Pour a large bacardi
3) Research the science of trflon coated rail lines/


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All three, though drinking and "research" may become inversely proportional.

When I went down to Fareham the other week, we stopped in between stations. We were delayed for about 40 minutes before it transpired that some nomadic cows were standing on the tracks. lol
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the cows don't know they are nomadic, they don't even know they were straying, cows are very very stupid and assume they should stand still if they don't know what they are supposed to be doing. They do actually sound like the weekend staff at work now I think about it
Depends whether you've got friends in low places.
put Garth on sit back relax with yr large Bacardi, put your feet up dotty
enjoy x
well I am going to see how long I can post before my keyboard packs up, I have just got it re-initialised again by plugging in a usb keyboard game controller, now it recognises my keyboard its working, obviously until it loses it again
branch out, put some real country music on!!!
Go by Bus instead of the Train dotty and listen to your Garth Brooks whilst you go ! :-))
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I've got friends in low places on my ring tone and it went off on the train whilst we were sitting outside Preston and a bloke up at the front joined in the song, i was well impressed
I have duelling banjos on mine ;-)
dotty - Mr. Den's train was cancelled yesterday, so he was late for work - there was a notice at the station last evening saying 'Apologies for train delays this morning, this was due to the overhead cables being stolen' - thats a new one !!
I just had to look up Gareth Brooks on Google (sorry dotty)
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lol there are notices on the trains about the autumn leaves, i've never heard of it before but ten i've alwatsv used my car. Anyway, can't go by bus it takes forever. How do you not know who garth brooks is mazie?
not wishing to hijack but DEN I hope all is well with you dear old Mum
(sorry dotty)
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I am not a c and w fan at all
Not great Joy, thanks for asking.
I don't dotty, sorry. I know who Hank Williams is and Johnny Cash...I'd never heard of Garth Brooks (hangs head in shame)
When i was running a railway station I once had to announce a train delay due to 'leaves on the line' but I couldn't bring myself to actually use that phrase.

So I attributed the delay to "track adhesion difficulties resulting from the compaction of vegetation debris". That sounded much better to me and, hopefully(!), left all of the passengers completely baffled
Don't forget I'm old

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