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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:03 Sat 30th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
It looks like a chilly Saturday morning. haven't been out yet though.
What have you got planned for today? Whatever it is have a happy day.


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Oh dear I'm right out of rum,, will whiskey do???
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At a push! Is it Irish? :-)
of course its Irish wbm,, Mr b drank all the scottish one
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In that case, leave the tea out! :-)
best idea of the day.. CHEERS hic hic
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Good consternoon afterble, I'm not as think as drunkle peep i am , jusht shlightly under afluance of inkahol. hic!
ha ha ha ha ha,, oh dear and so early in the morning wbm,, a little nap is called for,, thanks for all your help. See you tomorrow,, I hope the weather is kind to you today when you sober up of course xxxx
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I'm glad I could make you laugh bet. :-) Have a good snooze. See you tomorrow. It's time to get ready to sort the canal out. xxxxx
Morning WBM and all. I'm sat up in bed with my laptop contemplating whether or not to go and make another cup of tea. If only my slave was here, but he's just got off night shift. ;-)
morning all had a late one last night, have a good day and weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning all, chilly but sunny here in Notts, might have an hour putting the pond to bed ready for winter after I've had a couple of cups af cofee and my bacon butties
morning all, lovely sunny morning here in Dover, last Saturday before winter dark sets in, yeuch. Washing out, just popping to shops, then my time's my own!
Do you ever feel the urge to nip to Calais, Boxy? I'd be back and forth like a yo-yo!
Now and again NoM - maybe once a year... lunch in le Touquet on my birthday was nice! We'd have more incentive if OH didn't travel on the continent with his work, if we need cigs or beer he can pick it up from Pidou on his way home. The ferries are outside my office window, but like so many things local, I don't often go there!
Left the living room windows open all night. A tad chilly in here this morning....
A friend of mine used to rave about Le Touquet and made frequent trips there with the express intention of filling up his boot. I was in France briefly at the end of May and took the eurostar out of Calais, but didn't have time for shopping or owt.
Morning all,

Lovely morning here!

Spare Ed
Shhhhhhh my head hurts and I feel a bit wobbly....

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Good morning early birds!

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