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PurpleParis | 20:24 Fri 29th Oct 2010 | Gardening
7 Answers
Could anyone advise how to deal with your dahlias after they have flowered please?


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I leave them where they are, I just let the greenstuff dry off then keep them in their pots until next year.
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Thanks Box...but these ones are in the the garden....not in pots.....can I still leave them in the ground???
Did you not watch Gardeners World on BBC2 this evening? Watch it on BBCi if not.
It all depends on the type of soil you have and how deep the dahlias are buried. If they are deep down and you have light soil (doesn't get soggy) you probably could leave them where they are (you could always put a layer of leaves or ferns over the top as insulation). However, if this is not the case you need to pull them up take the greenery away (often best to do this after two frosts) and store them in a dry cool dark place. My father used to store his in a box in the attic.
I leave mine in the ground all year (cutting them down when they've gone black from frost) but I'm in the south so that might make a difference?
One important point not yet mentiioned is, if you intend to dig them up, take as much soil off them and turn them upside down so that they `drain` off any moisture within them, and leave for several days before storing in fresh nearly dry multipurpose compost in a cool greenhouse, or shed away from frost.
I leave mine in the ground.

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