Would this be a stupid idea? in The AnswerBank: Business & Finance
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Would this be a stupid idea?

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tigwig | 09:52 Thu 28th Oct 2010 | Business & Finance
18 Answers
I am planning holidays for next year and fancy going to Disneyland Paris for a long weekend then Majorca for a week later in the year. Of course I do not have the money to pay for it yet but the flights are very cheap at the moment and I'm worried that if I leave it til nearer the time when I have saved up the flights will be more. I was considering applying for a new credit card with no interest to pay and booking it sooner rather than later but haven't got the nerve! Do Jet2 flights go up alot and would this be a dumb thing to do?!
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flights may well go up but if you cant afford it now then maybe you cant afford it next year either. I would not take out credit for a holiday if money is tight, I would just go without or save first then book it. It is for reasons like this that people get into debt very easily. Even if there is no interest you still have to repay it. Also if money is tight then why not just go with one option and not two.
Yes its a stupid idea.
He who dares ------- wins !
If you wait then the price will go up, however there are good deals all year, ryanair do great deals all year to Majorcia, so do BMIbaby, eayjet and jet2 so you can wait for that but if you find a cheap deal for Disneyland then get the bank to pay as long as you pay the right installments every month before the no interest comes to a end.
My advice to anyone is to live within their means and only buy something when you have the money to pay for it.
I agree. Save up and maybe put your plans back a year.
I say life's for living! Who knows when you might get this opportunity again! Grab your plan with both hands and make it work and then thank me next year when your sitting on the beach with a large cocktail and goldfish nibbling on your toes. Some of the best plans start with crazy/stupid ideas and with determination and the will to succeed they and up coming together beautifully in the end, I should know as I'm the king of crazy plans that sound stupid at the beginning and end up great!
And don't forget to thank him when you are struggling to pay off your massive credit card bills.
Massive credit card bill for a 69 pound flight? Besides it's tigwigs idea and I think it can work as long as he/she puts in the work to pay everything off in the time coming up to her holiday.
Dont do it, you never know whats around the corner, save up even if you have to wait for the following year, you will have a far better time knowing it's all paid for.
Tig... have you thought about buying non refundable vouchers? They are valid indefinitely and are a great way to save for a holiday. If someone asks you what you want for Christmas/Birthdays etc., you can ask for some vouchers to add to your collection.

i was careful all my life,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,go for it.
Flight ??
Park tickets?

= Lot's of money. I've been 5 times....it's not cheap.
I wouldn't want to risk it, things can change so quickly I couldn't justify spending on something I couldn't afford, especially a luxury and especially with a young family.
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Thanks guys, I am still deciding what to do really. Deep down I know it's not sensible financially but the naughty part of me thinks so what you only live once and if we end up owing a couple of grand on a credit card is it really such a big deal? I have to say that holidays are the only thing I tend to go mad on so we will see!
I suspect it will be more than a couple of grand tigwig - and take it from me, the 0% interest rate periods come to an end much more quickly than you realise, then they immediately switch you to the normal borrowing rate (whatever that is at the time). Your interest can rack up each month to be almost as much as your monthly minimum payment. Been there, done that, it can take you years and years to pay it off.
Having said that - we skimp all year to save for our holidays as they are so precious to us, about the only time that OH and I get time together - but we have no little ones to consider for the future, nor the financial demands you might have to face for them as they get bigger.
A two grand holiday could end up costing you 3 times that amount by the time you pay it back. Just think of all the other things you could have spent the interest repayments on...

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