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Connemmara | 11:13 Sun 31st Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I received a lovely email from a friend which has a little film in it - how can I download it to yous folks. I think you would it find it compelling.


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Is it on a link, connemmara? If so you should be able to copy and paste the link onto here.
If you put it on U-Tube then posted a link to that people could see it. Having said that I've no idea how to set about doing either.
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sorry boxtops not great on technology - just looked at it there - it says to download it and came into my email as an attachment - another word was used "zip". Can I still get it to you. When I tried to copy it was just clicking onto it.
hello Conn I have a confession, I didn't know how at first to take you as you were a bit up and down with me but I think you appear to be a nice person, so apologies for the wrong assumption.
I suppose you could try downloading it into photobucket and then onto here?
what was it about?
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Cant really believe you said that Bobbi as I have held you in the highest esteem. I always look forward to your postings and have got immense help from them - I cant believe for the life for me where I was up and down with you. Yes you are right I am a nice person - try too hard in life as my friend calls me a "people pleaser" - sorry bobbi once again.

Onto serious business excuse the lack of technology - where is photobucket I dont use cameras etc.

It was about the cat and the deer - a lovely sentiment
Hi Connemmara, I've had that email in the last couple of days - the story and picture are embedded in the email, we need a techy person to tell us how to take it out and save it somewhere else!
no worries pet, subject closed eh?

have you asked Chuck to help you with this, he's very good with excellent techie advice Conn
photobucket can be downloaded Conn

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