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hi ttg, boxy and vhg,
thank you for your replies.
sorry its taken me so long to get back to you, but shortly after submitting my question last night, i lost my internet connection, and have only just got back on again.
right, yes, i was trying to sign in on the actual log in page, not a link from the email.
and that is when the message comes up asking for verification etc - the same notes vhg copied into his reply for me.
last night i entered my phone number several times as i wasnt sure whether i should be omitting the 0 at the start of my number or not, so i entered both.
but no response call or text was received,
and now i cant go any further as it says the already attempted texts have failed.
the FB account that im having these problems with is a 2nd FB account. (my 1st account is fine)
it was opened just the other day, using a nick name and a diff email address, as i wanted to remain annonymous and not use my personal FB account, because i was thinking of using it to possibly sell a few bits and bobs via the FB 'local selling site' where people put ads up if theyve got something to sell or would like etc.
i just tried again tonight incase it had sorted itself out since ive been offline, but no, the account is still suspended, and its still saying the txt attempts have failed.
so im still no further forward.
any more suggestions/help please? :o/
thank you :o) xx