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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:44 Sat 06th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
It's the weekend!!!!!!!!!

It's a bit dryer than yesterday too. Well, here it is anyway!

Anything exciting happening in your part of the world?


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you start the petition wbm I'll sign in or are we just grumpy old men and women,, it baffles me with the pc brigade that conkers are banned but its ok to play with dynamite!!!!
Morning WMB and all nice bright calm and dry here in Leics. Yes fireworks my lab god bless him used to practically sit on my lap he hated them.But all these things bring back the memories again. Have a nice weekend all .I am off to town later .
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crazy isn't it! Let's start a 'Fireworks should be banned on health and safety grounds' campaign. Maybe. Just maybe, the H&S merchants will pick it up!
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Morning wendi. Animals don't understand all the noise do they! Enjoy your shopping trip. Brekkie at Asda is it?
No WBM not today that's only in the week when I go grocery shopping. Got to watch the diet.
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I know the feeling! :-)
morning wendilla,, Right the soapbox is out,, I'll hold you steady,, get this crazy world back to normal....
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. . . Whatever normal is!
Morning from us in wales... Firework display tonight and snow possibly tomorrow.....these are a few of Rowans favourite things....add that to some birding this morning ..... be out soon for high tide... and a big cooked breakfast ...wonderful day planned....
morning wbm and all - hectic week here, the Spring racing carnival has just wound up and I've done very well, picking winners from my lounge chair !!
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Morning seekz. Jammy devil! :-) Every time I back a horse it turns out to be pulling a milk cart!
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Morning rowan. You have a wonderful day dear girl. C'n I come? :-)
You'd be more than enough chicken broth for afterwards to feed an army
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Thank you rowan. I'd love to, trouble is I've got to be elsewhere, Annoying isn't it. :-(
feels a little chilly this morning - have an exciting start to the weekend - local handyman coming to cost some work on kitchen cupboards - still, can't be beer and skittles all the time I suppose. I'll try and contain my excitement. hope everyone is well.
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Morning carma. Such excitement! :-) Do enjoy yourself!

I've got to go. Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx
bye wbm xxx
morning everyone

A wet start here in Yorkshire, but then it always seems to rain the morning after fireworks night. We were watching them from the bedroom window as we overlook the rugby club where they were holding the display. Took a while for them to get going but it was great not to have to stand in the cold, plus save £2.50 each. So a pint in one hand and a wedge of parkin in the other, bang goes my diet for today !
hi wbm and all
cool n dry in the county of antrim

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Good morning early birds!

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