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bandearg | 18:10 Sun 07th Nov 2010 | Crosswords
13 Answers
11 baubles trifles ?o???w?
15 implement used to tidy up the sides of a lawn (6,6) ?d?i?? ?h?a??
20 wave a heavy garden implement (6) ?????r
27 american make of car (8) ???i????
21 an old name for a walrus (3,3) ??? ??w

many thanks


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15] edging shears
15 Edging Shears
21 Sea Cow
edging shears
21a Sea cow
21] sea cow
20 Roller ?
27] cadillac?
11] gewgaws
Question Author
many thanks final one
25 pleasure seekers garden implement (4) ?a?e

is it rake but why
a rake was a tearaway on the look out for pleasure
Yes rake, a rake was a ?Victorian express for a dissolute person
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