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The queen's facebook page

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dotty. | 23:49 Sun 07th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
I've just sent her a link on her facebook page : ))


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and that's sceptered not septic lol
Prince William is a Villa fan, don't know about HM.
It is septic Dotty..Have you been to Bilston?
Prince William is a V*lla fan...Pretty sure HM supports Millwall.
Think you're right WBA. Hubby says he's seen her at the Den having a scrap or two.
No WBA, Prince Phillip is a Millwall fan
HM emailed me "Prince Phillip & I would like to know how many plebs are on Answerbank. Yours sincerely etc....."
Surely she would have wrote, "The Duke of Edinburgh and I would like to know..."
She would have asked "My husband and I would like to know..."
no, we're on familiar terms.

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