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DEN53 | 00:02 Mon 08th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I can hear my tv in the bedroom and Subo is talking to Piers Morgan - she really sounds like Jimmy Krankie (:0 (


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In real life steg is subo......
I've just said that to mr a Den. i keep wondering if she is going to disappear inside the frock.
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I love her singing voice - but cant stand her being interviewed..........
I'm on edge for her in case she embarrasses herself.
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Don't think she can move in that dress, Gran - so Piers is safe for the moment..
ha-ha DEN I have just been put in my place in the Tracey Solomon thread for saying she wasn't good at being interviewed, but that was my opinion...
Subo, I thought , came over quite well and it was very sad when she recalled someone calling her a retard...cruel, cruel people
It was a repeat from last night, I thought she acquitted herself very well, good on her!
me too boxy, I hope she can lay her demons to rest
I recorded her new song it was aired at 6.55pm tonight (Sunday)

What did you make of it?

I have been out tonight Jem and didn't see it, was it good?
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Not bad Jem - preferred her signing Wild Horses - that send shivers down my spine - lovely.
I didn't like all the rolling mist and at times I thought she was drowned out by background singers. I liked the song and yes her voice is still good.

I watched the interview too, answered questions I thought,


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