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Thinking skills course...

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sandyRoe | 15:14 Tue 09th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
A 24 year old burglar who left ID in his broken down van was given a 1 year suspended sentence at Bournemouth Crown Court and ordered to go on a 'thinking skills course'. Is that a good idea? He might think not to leave material that might identify him the next time he goes on the rob.


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lol. I think the fact that he got caught might encourage him to be more careful in the future.

Some villains really are thick. I remember a colleague of mine telling me about a habitual burglar who broke into school and played with some of the equipment before leaving. Unfortunately he left something rather incriminating behind - a photocopy of his face. Doh!
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If I was playing with a photocopier I wouldn't think to make an image of my face...
Saw a video on tv a while back, on a chap who decided to rob his company store out of some stock and cash in the dead of night..........

.........Brilliantly covered up his features with a brown paper bag over his head, with slits in the eyes to see....still stumbled all over the place which was hilarious......even more so that he forgot to take off his ID Name tag from his overalls.....
He was duly arrested in the morning by amused cops.........what a :0)
I once had a case of a brilliant bank robber who held up a building society in 'wealthy but retired' Frinton-on-Sea.To do the job he put on full leathers and a full face helmet and rode a bike with false plates and made a speedy getaway.Perfect. All of the eye witnesses were unable to give any description, except that he was of average height and covered in dark leathers, save one old dear who said " I noticed only one thing which I thought was odd. He had 'Johny G' in studs on the back of his jacket". The police were so fast in getting to Johnny G's house that he was still counting the money when they burst in.

Not to mention the Irish cheque forgers who numbered the cheques in sequence, but not of the cheque numbers but the account numbers. Or the bank robbers who not only took the car of the father of one of them, who promptly reported it stolen, to do the raid. They also found that nobody had brought stocking masks. They stopped and bought two pairs of tights. There were four of them. They had nothing to cut the tights, so they drove off and bought scissors. Three rushed into the bank, collided with each other in the doorway and fell over. By this time the police had already seen them go around the bank three times in the reoprted stolen car and pounced.

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