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who would you put in the jungle

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murraymints | 16:17 Tue 09th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
now the season is upon us ...who would ypulike to see squirm with the squirmies


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wot you got against cats Sallas ?.. or is it all just rumour ?....
They scare me. They can read my mind. They crap on my garden. I think one must have 'gone for me' when I was little.

I don't mind the black ones, or the ratcatchers, so long as they don't touch me or leap on the back of my head at the back of the sofa. I particularly don't like the gingers or the tabbies. I can't help it.
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Got the Gift latest cd by Subo.... v good would not have her there maybe Pebbles her cat for Sallas ?
Susan Boyle because all my choices seem to generate a disproportionate amount of media coverage, yes she has a nice voice...but does it merit the amount of column inches no....
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who would you put in the jungle

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