dvd's and your sky digi box should have 2 scart ports (or more) each. one is the 'in' port, which allows another device to run through the equipment. the other is an 'out' port, which connects this to another piece of equipment, probably a tv. you should use a heierarchy system. your tv is the top as you cant view anything without. you can plug into this either the dvd/video or the sky box as they can both run independantly. however, you can run sky through your dvd/video and watch it on the av channels but not vice versa. so basically, plug your sky box into your 'in' port of your dvd/video. connect your scart from the 'out' port of your dvd/video into your tv. sorted. if you have more than 2 ports on each peripheral, you can use these to connect to a 2nd tv. this works up the heierarchy though. if you plug your sky into a 2nd tv you can watch sky but no dvd's. if you plug your dvd into a 2nd tv instead, you can watch sky or your dvd's.