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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:58 Sat 13th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
It's Saturday. We are assured of some sunshine here in Gloucestershire. I hope so 'cos we are at The Heritage Centre on the canal this afternoon. Much nicer when the sun shines!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning wolfy! Have a goodly kip!
morning everyone - bit better down in my neck of the woods today - not sure what I'll be doing but it may well involve eating chocolate. Stay well
Morning WBM and all not to bad weatherwise. Hope it stays nice for you this afternoon. have a nice day all.
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Morning carma and wendi. Thanks wendi, I hope so too!
Carma it sounds like a 'comfort' day you have in mind! :-}
morning all from a dry but damp droylsden
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Morning DF. OK?
not bad just had my walk up to the paper shop feel like i have done a marathon :)
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Good exercise mate! :-}
Morning all - nice and still here on the pointy end at the moment..... we're going to a quiz ourselves tonight, but planning to settle in and watch the rugby on t.v. this afternoon, first.
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Morning box. We will miss the rugby :-{
Highlights on BBC4 at 7.15pm of one of the matches, wbm?
^^ oops no, BBC3, sorry!
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Thanks for that box. At least we can see the good bits.
morning everybody,just back from walking Max and it's another fine morning. Breakfast including a pound of fresh picked mushroom is on then it's off down town to see if there's anything worth buying
Morning, I'm on my second hot chocolate drink. Lovely.

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Good morning early birds!

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