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dogs or cats?

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benny3008 | 17:35 Sat 13th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
which do you prefer and why? or do you not like either?


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Dogs: Give 'em a cuddle.

Cats: Smack 'em with a shovel.
A dog needs a reason to bits its master, a cat will bite its servant just because it wants to.
I'm more of a cat person but I adore my mothers jack russels and quite like the man hostages mums dog as he's ugly looking and quite a funny character.
Benny, this could be your little lad in years to come.
I like both, but cats are easier to cope with, Taking a dog for a walk is no fun waiting for it to poo, then picking it up when the local hearththrob is walking towards you.
i prefer dogs im not really a cat lover i'm afraid
My dog is brilliant (I have had a cat but gave it away). He is currently attempting to demolish a glass table, by swinging a tennis ball on a piece of string........
Dogs, we are made for each other. Of course Mini Schnauzers are one of my favourite breeds.
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My cat used to come out with us for a walk to the pub, and wait outside until we'd come out.
doc-my dog would never sniff,she would let you eat in peace....and she would allow you to share the sofa with her. The cat on the other hand would paw your food and breath in your face-all in an attempt to get you off the chair.

I like having a dog-I've met lots of new people.

And naz-what you said was very matter what you may think.
got both , they are all very special in their own different ways
I am partial to either. It's the sauce that makes the difference.
I'm not really a dog person but I don't mind them. I absolutely love cats. Have had them nearly all my life. As long as they are fed, watered, access in and out, and have comfortable beds you can just leave them to it. Dogs need a lot more attention.

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dogs or cats?

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