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personal message

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ann_h | 22:45 Sat 13th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
How and where would I leave a message for a particular ab'er and not have it get lost in the works? It's a reply to a very very old question!
tia x


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you can't
click on their username and perhaps see where they last posted a question or replied to something and then point them in right direction
Start a thread called ...

<insert username> is a freak.

They'll soon get wind of it, lol.
People usually start a thread like "FAO am_h" but, of course, you have no guarantee that the person in question will actually see it...
Question Author
Swot I fort

Mark 'as best answer? Naz's is funniest though...
Leave it with Ed secretary, she'll convey it.

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