True, sara. That rules me, in for a start!
One curious fact about recessions is that toyshops do well. If people are a bit short of money they stint but still spend on the children 'so the kids have a good Christmas'
So that's a gold- plated rocking horse for the grandchidren then LOL
The same thing will apply to me again this year.I will be buying only Gift vouchers for Crimbo this year,as the family can all get what they want in the sales then.
Don't buy for my husband but the kids get what we can afford (if it's a good year they do well!). My view is that they 'get' Christmas for only a few years (from about 2 or 3 years old to about 9 years old) so I think it should be a brilliant day when they are so exicted they think they will never get to sleep and are almost sick with excitement. My children are not spolit and are happy with whatever they get.
It will be be money for the grandchild, and my daughter. I have six gifts for family that always are a problem. They don't have to cost a lot but it's finding somehing different for them every year. Otherwise its bottles of wine/whiskey for the odd ones.