Try comfrey oil. A knitbone ingredient was amazing when I had a suspected hairline fracture of my foot in August.i had two Xrays, a week apart and the swelling was so bad both times that they could not make a decision. Despite a lump and swelling, I found it was not too painful to massage a minute quantity of oil onto y foot and it seemed to have numbing properties as well as healing. I am not sure if sqad will approve. He may say it is rubbish, but I have given some oil to a friend with a similar problem with good results re pain and lessening of swelling. Still a slight lump for me after all this time,though I long ago stopped treating it. Is it better with resting? I found it was better being walked on,gently. Sitting with it up on a stool etc made it painful and I felt it was being pulled in the way it didn't want to go!