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Do you want to be a Starship Trooper?

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McMouse | 15:13 Tue 16th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I am the Recruiting Officer for The Space Corps and I am looking for candidates for our rigorous training programme. The ideal person will be young and have previous experience of marching and weapons drill. A vivid imagination is essential. On graduation the trooper will be posted to the international space station for advanced training prior to being sent into deepest space never to be seen or heard again. ABers are invited to suggest anyone they think might benefit from this opportunity.


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vibes, snags and def boo and china to keep them company
I'm in ...
Naz - it says ideal person will be "young" ;)
Will Sister Bluebird be flying high above?
BM, 'one' can go off people, y'know?

No but i lost my heart to one.
Begins with M and ends with kins..........?

Am I allowed to say that? I think she would love it....... but she would insist on coming back to tell us all about it, and the unfairness of it all cos someone else took the lead......
McMouse are you waiting for one person? or did I get it wrong?
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salla... the one chosen will never come back and mega shields will protect AB from receiving posts. Yipppeeeeeee.
That would be, in a sort of very perverse way, quite sad :-(

But, hey, yipppeeeeeeeeeeee
2 posts about mollykins, now, mcmouse ?

Have you got the beginnings of a fixation...........?
If Lt. Jonny Rico is there I'm sure they (whoever they maybe) will enjoy themselves. The Arachnids may be a bit difficult to begin with but they can be overcome with some persistance.
Can I vote for myself twice?
This is an ageist thread and unless you let me be in charge of the weapons, I shall report it! so there!!!
me me me , I wanna go !

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Do you want to be a Starship Trooper?

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