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especially for you joggerjayne...

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stokemaveric | 12:27 Wed 17th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
habbie simpson..2.00..warwick...fair spin..2.10 hexham...and my outsider of the day is bluebok..4.40 at kempton...


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Woo Hooo !

Gambling's a mugs
Question Author
im having £20.00 on the nose of those 3 jj...hey ummmm you sound just like mrs maveric lol
I don't gamble on Sundays.

Well, okay ... after midnight Saturday, it's technically Sunday, so I do gamble on Sundays ... but only very early ... if you see what I mean ... oh, never mind.
OH had £20 on a horse Saturday....he missed the race though..

(My Dad was a gambling addict....bad times.!)
Question Author
lol jj i get your drift lol
LOL, stokey

ummmm also sounds just like my mother.
Aww, sorry ummmm ...

Gambling is bad if you've known someone who got too hooked.


You're lucky I don't sound like my Mother.....

Dear Lord :-)
It's ok JJ....xx
Question Author
sorry to hear that ummmm..x
That's the problem with our naughty little indulgences. There is so often someone who has had a bad experience.

For all those people who like to ...

- drink

- play in Casinos

- ride motorbikes

- smoke

- have the odd joint (err, hypothetically, obviously)

There are people who know someone who ...

- became an alcoholic

- got addicted to gambling

- died in a bike accident

- had a smoking related illness

- got hooked on hard drugs. list goes...

One of my best mates = Alcoholic

Dad = Gambling

Aunty = Died in a motor bike crash (she was 46)

Smoking related illness = Dad died of cancer

Hooked on hard drugs = One of my very close friends is a heroine addict...
Did I spell that right??
Cripes, ummmm ...

I'm going to start staying in at weekends !

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especially for you joggerjayne...

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