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going through a red light..

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ummmm | 09:55 Thu 18th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Does anyone know what the fine is?

Friend thinks she got flashed on amber this morning. It was probably red though.


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Hi mazie,

She would have to pay the £60 fine anyway, but instead of getting the 3 points held on your driving licence for 4 years ( 12 maximum remember then ban imposed )........then pay another £60 for the about £120 all in. xx

You're welcome, worries, and i hope your friend gets to do the course. x
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I hope it wasn't her car that was flashed...
Problem is, JJ, that between amber and red turning, the lights could trigger the speed camera to flash and then get the details. i've seen a set of camera's near Shoreham airport that flash if you go between amber and red. Gets loads of motorists there.
Quite a lot of junctions in France don't have an amber light, just red and green. Scary!
JJ may be right and it was a warning flash only.........hopefully...... so the next few days are crucial as if she has been flashed, a letter will come in the next 5-7 days in the post.

If two weeks go by and nothing, think she may be fine. Let's hope. :0)
Quatos, (unsure spelling) dont the fuzz have to get their x ammount of driving offenders for the day? I remember clearly going through an amber several years ago, and not at speed, to be pulled over by the boys in blue for Jumping a red light!! court appearance and a 25 quid fine ensued.
Hi a very good friend of mine collapsed yesterday morning and is on a life support machine with the above. Apparently her lungs are ok and her heart - would anybody know of anyone who came round from this. She is leaving 4 teenagers. My heart is breaking as she is only 52 years old.
wrong thread, Connemmara? Unless traffic lights are more dangerous than i thought

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going through a red light..

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