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FAO NoMercy

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bobjugs12 | 10:55 Thu 18th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Are you hard at work sweetheart?


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Good, lol

Love you xxxx :D
Love you too. x x x :-)
awwww :o) x
Bloody hell!
Just got in..... sick bucket :0)

x for NoM.........manhug for BigBob
hey NM you ok, when the lappy goign to be fixed/replaced?
Question Author
Mwah sqad. I love you too xxxxxx
ZZ, cheers hun :D
Yogi, you better have brushed your teeth since using the bucket, otherwise there will be no hugs!
teeth brushed........look..........


Now, pucker up :0)
Hey Fluffs, I'm down in Hampshire tomorrow night, so I'll try to pop on line for a good chat. x x
Question Author
What are you doing in Hampshire babe? Seeing anyone nice?
Cant you two either phone, text or email..........?.............darling!
Question Author
Sqad, have you not figured it out yet.....

....we do it to annoy you ;-)
bob......LOL........LOL........oh! that´s all right then.
Question Author
So we cool then bredren? Der ain't no beef between the BJ12 Crew and the Sqad Massive anymore. We gonna share 'da ho's and the greens.

Sweet. Word up and peace out

(Did you like my little foray into ghetto talk? I had the fortune of speaking to a white middle class kid who 'spoke' like this the other day. The technical term for his ailment was Whatatosseritis)
what is the braaaap thing about, don't get it :-(
Question Author
Braaap is apparantly the noise an Uzi makes when you fire it on full automatic
oh, ok

fekking weirdo kids
Braaap's the noise vibra makes when he's got a Klingon :0)

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