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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:26 Sat 20th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
It's Saturday and the weekend is upon us again. It's dry at the moment, how long for remains to be seen!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Good morning all, I can't report on the North Wales weather as it's still FAR too dark, but I can't hear any rain so it's a start. I hope you all have a good day - I'm off to do my car boot sale. I hope I fair better than last week; it was hardly worth setting up my stall.
Good Morning one and all, It's been a wet night here on the plain and the OH has just come in off her night shift and gone to bed so it looks like a day in on the pc..unless I get a better offer. Boiled eggs with brown bread for breakfast I think.
Morning all, dark and still here in Dover. A Rugby weekend beckons, just me, the catz and the telly. Lovely!
Morning all looks ok here in Leics.Up early today got a delivery coming between 7 and 3. Bet it won't come till 2 lol. Have a nice weekend all.
7 and 3, wendilla?! talk about a wide window!
BOXTOPS Just about the size of the telly lol .Hope it don't need to come through the window lol
morning all
morning doc and all the others - hope all are well
morning one and all - dry but dull down here - keep fingers crossed for me - have to have an MRI scan today and am claustrophobic, not looking forward to it. Never mind though, this time next week will be in South Africa and on my way to see family.
morning carmalee just close your eyes, try and keep still and think of a nice pink floyd tune.
hope you get a good result
if you are not into floyd
morning all, woke up full of flu, great start to the weekend! oh well will plod on, so much to do this weekend, hope you all have a good one
2 paracetamols after tea and toast then bed for 2 weeks should help clear it

morning bernie
morning dr filth will do but no bed got decorating to do ,how are you?
leave the decorating keep warm and plenty of rest

and put some decent music on :)
thank you DrF - going to be singing all the way now.
hope you all have a nice day my local shop has no telegraph so i have to go for a trek up the main road.

stay good ,stay safe , stay happy :)
how can life go on without the Saturday Telegraph? mri scan an absolute doddle DrF btw
very good i am pleased, you now have the rest of the day to enjoy

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Good morning early birds!

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