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WhiteBears | 20:57 Tue 28th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
anyone uses twitter? just upgraded to the new version... any thoughts so far??


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ok i start first, firstly why has my reading panel shifted to the left? making me reading my tweets really uncomfortable!!
I don't bother with it as i don't get it's point
Question Author
ohh fixed it by removing preview!! thats better, my tweets back in the centre :)
I use Echofon via the Firefox add-on Whitebears, it's not changed much. I like it as a Twitter interface.
I've never been on Twitter is it at all like AB?
Question Author
nothing like AB!
I've heard that celebs like to strut their stuff on there. What else goes on?
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well i only use it for LFC updates that doesnt get told on the official website until the day after,
you can follow some celebs i.e. tim lovejoy and he will tell you whats going on in something for the weekend show, or he talks about footy. etccc
Might give it a go sometime.
Question Author
sometimes its quite good, im so into LFC and when they are playing some tweets sends out a link where u can stream live over the net.!
I don't understand it, it's taken me long enough to use AB. I don't do FB. Is it like that?
hi where can u watch Liverpool games on the net ??
Like you i am a LFC fan and follow lots of liverpool things on twitter but never seen a link 2 watch the game ..thanks
u can get me on twitter at. @cooldonegalman
never used the new twitter.. just keep using the old one.. when will we have to use the new one and wats it like ?

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