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Lindy66 | 01:14 Tue 20th Sep 2005 | Body & Soul
2 Answers
How comes we can turn over in our sleep several times a night without waking ourselves up or concious we are doing so ?


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We have adapted to be able to shift position to prevent cramps and stiffness in muscles which could be need at short notice.

In prehistoric man, the need to wake instantly and be alert to fight or run was vital to survival - muscles needed to have adequate blood supply, and limbs not cramped or 'gone to sleep'. This all needed to be arranged withut disturbing sleep, so the body evolved to carry out these tasks, while letting the brain continue to rest.

Recent research has shown we actually do wake up to turn and move, but we are only concious for a few seconds and so dont remember. If something happens during that time (noise, lights flashing) you will react and be awake for a longer period therefore remember it.

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