I think she is very attractive to be honest -thats why i would probably notice her before recognising her.
Surely the poor woman isnt being slated already? What has she done wrong -anyone? I mean wrong not in you just dont 'like' her for no reason but actually wrong?
that'd be it, Dot, did you sell her the Jimmy Choos? No wonder she's grateful. She always asks after you when we get together for a babycham and a chinwag
No. She would probably catch my eye because she is an attractive, well turned out girl who looks 'moneyed' and quite classy, but facially there is nothing that stands out so I wouldn't recognise her. She looks like loads of other young women and her face doesn't show any personality at all.
First, she is nowhere near as attractive as Cherry!
Second - I have been known to be within two feet of my own children on the street before seeing and recognising them so I dont give out much hope for Kate to be honest.