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With Apologies To Mamya

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ttfn | 03:05 Thu 25th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Goodnight everyone, sleep well, keep warm, sweet dreams ♥


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How very dare you was just looking through my 78's, night night Ena ♥
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You are a good sport mamya - don't hold back on my account ;o) ttfn ♥
Night night ladies. xx
Robert Palmer - She Makes My Day
I found this song on my Ipod - I have no idea how it got there.

My favourite song is Rolf Harris and "Two little boys" - it is just a nice little song.
I love that song wolf. Wide awake here now as our fire alarms have just gone off. Three fire engines full of lovely firemen. :-)

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Don't know when to stop sometimes! Lordy knows how old Ed is tomorrow a.m.! Still nice to have some decent music to go through LOL. Night again Mamya, Jan, Mark and Susan ♥
Great (first) song Ena - lovin them there bell chords :-)
AP - is your avatar a picture of you? It seems sort-of kind-of familiar.
Night ttfn. xx
Wolf - Yes it's me about 2 years ago - I haven't posted it anywhere else (that I can remember).



This must be the guy that I was thinking of. Your long lost Czech cousin? David Nykl.

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With Apologies To Mamya

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