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analysis of a relationship....

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stokemaveric | 20:07 Thu 25th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
1st..the engagement ring...2nd...the wedding...3rd...the SUFFERING....


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Sorry you feel like this.
Oh Dear Stoke, maybe for you but not everyone has that experience.

Mamya ♥
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4th the divorce
Relationships don't have to have your 1, 2 or 3.
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im very happy in my marriage actually it was just a funny pun [or so i thought] it in no way reflects my personal opinion...[and any likeness to people living or dead is purely coincidental]
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am so glad to read that Stoke and wish everyone a steady and happy relationship though I know that is a bit unreal of me., as there will always be failures along the way.
Yes there will, but you always have to hope / trust that the new one is "the one" no matter how nervous you might both be feeling...
lol you left out the word 'ring' - engagement ring, wedding ring, suffer-ring, haha
That too is true Mark, I was very fortunate and had an idyllic life and marriage, not everyone does and I wish all those starting anew the very best . ♥
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analysis of a relationship....

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