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hairdressers in london

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gherkinfiend | 17:51 Mon 19th Sep 2005 | Shopping & Style
3 Answers
does anyone know a good hairdresser in london ( preferably south or close to the centre) who is quite inexpensive? i really need a haircut as i have a job interview but i'm skint so can't afford my usual hairdresser. i have short hair so if anyone knows a decently priced hairdresser who can do a good short cut then i would be eternally grateful!


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Someone on AB recommended Tommy Guns in Beak street, Soho to me. I went there last Friday and am soooooo please with the cut! It�s not really cheep at �45 for a wash, cut & blow dry, but its not too expensive either
A few people I know use Mahogany - St George's St (litterally just off Hanover Sq)...they always speak very highly...think if you get a more junior person you can end up with a reasonable priced do (although please don't quote me on that as I've never been).
Many salons have training nights where models get their hair done for half price or even less. The trainee often takes longer, but when the job is done, the supervisor checks it over & trims off any odd ends, so you get their expertise too!

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hairdressers in london

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