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13 year old daughter made me smile

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zzxxee | 12:23 Sun 28th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Came in put her arms around me and said " you know what mum i will love you forever!"
she then went upstairs i love spontaneous acts of affection !!!!!
just wanted to share :-)


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summet like that aye MissN :-)
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its nice because when kids hot that 12 /13 age it often becomes uncool to say i love you to your parents
Oi ... in the abscence of FBN here ...

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can be Butch yes
Yeah, it is nice zzxxee.

Enjoy it, as like you say, it doesn't happen often!
My sons are always affectionate...
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Do you have any other children Boo or just mimi boo?
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*mini boo
She has big mini BOO...and mini mini BOO...who is the child of big mini BOO...
My daughter (nearly 22) never ends a phone call without love you Mum (its not habit she really means it).When we see each other we always kiss and cuddle when we meet and when we say bye...........something my own mother NEVER did.
Son when he is talking to me (he's having a hiatus from me at the moment) is more the take care type with a wee hug when he sees me and leaves.
What Ummmm said :-)
Dris that is like my daughter and when she sends me a text message she always ends it with a x and best of all few weeks ago when my granson was here he said (you know grandma I really really really love you lots and lots ) brought tears to my eyes.
Yes zzxxee nice to share these things.
My daughter is always really affectionate and practically hangs off me sometimes. Even last week she was in town with her friends when she saw my parents (who she sees all the time). She ran up to them in the street and gave them huge hugs and kisses in front of a crowd of her teenage pals. She is lovely :)
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lovely comments :-)

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13 year old daughter made me smile

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