I wasn't aware I was whinging? I just asked you to justify that kind of wage.
Perhaps if you put somewhere in your OP that you only wanted replies that agreed with your sentiments sqad, i (and others) would know how to answer them in future.
You can get between £32,000 & £40,000 managing at Aldis, I looked it up a couple of weeks ago, I'm seriously considering a career change! I'm too squemish to be a dustman.
Why not -you telling me that GP's are more worthy than a dutman -its all relevant.
Some people didnt have parents back up financially.
My sister in particular is the Global Sales Exec for a company which we all use daily -she isnt any brighter than me -just that when I left school I had options and she didnt -now she is on an extraordinary salary (way way over a GP's) and i'm not.My brother is the same -he is on the equiv of a GP's salary -again a Global company and he is the European Managing Director for their engineering Division.Same deal.Jings SIL is the Training Manager for Mars globally.
Its like its made up -its true -where did i go wrong ???
So to keep on track i think GPs are lucky to get that salary and shouldnt huff and puff -its not a difficult job-plenty back up plus the general in GP just emphasises what it says on the packet.
Lucky s0ds but they know it
Im gobsmacked youre gobsmacked pinki-why shouldnt they get a decent wage?What- just because they dispose of rubbish which I even get the heave at and its my own !
Just the same as when people say I would EVEN be a cleaner (lowest of the low) -hello -im one- although I have had a career.Bl00dy snobbery -what would happen if you didnt have dimwits doing the jobs thats too gross for the hoi poloi ??