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Just got a message from someone in FRU, it's a" Him"

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Bobbisox | 18:36 Wed 01st Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I haven't seen him since I was
I wonder if we have changed, I have emailed him back..


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I did that a while ago, got back in touch with someone I hadn't seen since we were 11/12 - it was a right laff, we still had quite a lot in common.
Good luck.
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Really AP, I can't wait for him to reply, he was in the BB as I recall..LOL
I got a message through FRU from a bloke saying he was at secondary school with me. Must be a tranny 'cos I went to an all girls school.
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I definitely know the bloke craft, I remember him in his quirky Boys Brigade hat..pmsl
I got one from an old pupil who I taught in the early 70's when he was 10. We have kept in touch via e mail and Facebook and it's super.

Nice one Bobbisox.
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Hi Chrissa, we all knocked around together and went to a Church Youth club, great days I say
I had one from a guy who asked me out when we were 15. When I said no, he didn`t speak to me for a year.
I sent one to a girl I knew at junior school and we keep in touch now and meet up sometimes.
lmao craft.......
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aye but this for me is all of 49 yrs ago ,,,LOL
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well, well ,well,
just had an email back from him and he's done pretty damn well for
selling off a company and now quite well off...

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Just got a message from someone in FRU, it's a" Him"

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