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Don't you just hate......

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mrs_overall | 16:02 Thu 02nd Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
The little barstewards who throw snowballs at your car as you are driving?
I nearly went off the road this morning. Grrrrr!


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run 'em over!
LOL, good luck with your test, we need more drivers like you on the road!
Benny don't do that on your test tomorrow lol
Mrs O, please let me you stopped and harrangued them in true fishwife styley,,,,
lol, i'll try not to, im off for a walk in the snow, cant wait! byeee xx
Little shites - especially when they've deliberately put a stone or pebble inside of it...
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fluff - they can run faster than me (hard to believe, I know...) so no point stopping

salla - when did you have a sex change and acquire a suntan?
Last tuesday mrs o - what do you think to the result?
ha ha i played eyeball challange with some scroats earlier, they def thought about it but i think the "you do and i will ******** kill you" vibe was coming across loud and clear as they ran off.....
Funnily enough, I too have the power to give off that vibe fluffy... I don't understand it myself, I'm clearly so lovely and approachable.
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salla - I like it....but can I recommend Immac for your chin and upper lip?

fluff - what was vibes doing in your neck of the woods??????? He's MINE, all MINE!
its ok i scared him off, you'll need to catch him though as he's runnign pretty goddam fast

I don't understand it either China, don;t people understand a growl is welcoming?
Quite... and 'eff off' is clearly just an effectionate way of phrasing 'would you be considerate enough not to get within 10 feet of me as I have an allergy to other people'
perfectly clear to me, some people are just weird!

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Don't you just hate......

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