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let it snow let it snow..let it snow....

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stokemaveric | 12:00 Tue 30th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
its pouring down with the white stuff here...time to go home i think....


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we built an 8 foot tall snowman on Sunday - had to get some wood poles to make a hammock to lift the middle bit in place as it was too heavy and awkward to lift.
annie it is worse today than yesterday, school was closed yesterday and it's opened today!!!!
Come on SM - it's stopped now and the sky is clearing. Trinity Street is clear as a bell, so hang in there - you'll be getting us a bad name!
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Had to use a days holiday yesterday - left the kids with the mother of a friend of my son today - seems a lovely woman, but I'd only met her for about 30 seconds and spoken to her once on the phone. So grateful that she came to my aid though! Bit scary when I knocked on her door this morning thinking that I had no idea what she looked like!!
these are the people I feel it for annie, like yourself who have to find a child minder, what a nice lady!
She is lovely bobbi - she took both my boys even though only one is friends with her son. I think she doesn't have any family near either so knows what it feels like when you have nobody to ask. I'll need to do her a big favour soon. She is meant to be having my boy for a sleepover on Friday as it is her sons birthday - she will probably be sick of him by then!
these are the unsung heroines annie ;-)
Hi pix - how's it going??

Stay warm!

A x
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Anyone above 0 degrees yet....?
We are -6 here in Yorkshire. Just walked up to work and its taken me nedarly an hour as the snow is so deep. My legs really ache. Good exercise though. But got to walk back tonight. :>(

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let it snow let it snow..let it snow....

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