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I'm alright Jack

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Akinator | 15:05 Sun 05th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Is that the best policy to adopt on this website?


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not seen jack around today Akinator, she may be on later
but I think you're alright too if that is any comfort
This is becoming almost as tedious as the trolls now :-((
Question Author
Why Naz?
report whast you dont like and let the Ed deal with it.

If you find it impossible to deal with try another Q&A site
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Cazzz i can deal with it, have I interacted with the idiot poster?

Can you even catch stuff from your Mum?
15:08 Sun 05th Dec 2010

unlike some.
Thought you had been on the sauce there for a minute cazz.
at least it will be all shiny and clean tomorrow morning, or maybe even earlier.

lol mikmak!
can someone please reccomend another question and answer site i can try this one is not for me some of the people are evil,sadistic perverts.i dont really want to be associated with them in any way♥♥♥
seriously, if the editorial policy does not suit you, instead of whinging about it, just find somewhere where it does suit you. There are plenty of chat sites and forums available. I can't imagine one person droning on about it is going to cause the ed to change :)
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One person? Give up bednobs. You can be serious?

If you do not like what I post, Take your own advice .
Question Author
can not be serious
-- answer removed --

You've obviously been missing me but I'm afraid that I have other things to be doing on a Sunday afternoon, rather than sitting at a computer screen frotting and frothing...

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I'm alright Jack

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