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What To Get My Friend For Christmas??

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TeenageDreams | 20:17 Mon 06th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Okay so we drew names out of a hat and i got my friend called Jen. I have to get her a present now becuase this means i'm her secret Santa. It has to be a minimum of €15 and a maximum of €2o . She is the type of girl that likes to look good but has enough perfume and make up to last till the next new year! She doesn't watch alot of Tv and she wears nice clothes. Problem is she is kinda big sized and i wouldn't want ot buy her clothes incase i offend her by being to big or small. Any suggestions on what i should get her in that budget? :)


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A fake Burberry something
Question Author
all good ideas!!! :O
What about vouchers for hairdresser/beauty salon? You said she likes to look good so money towards a hairdo or treatment/spray tan/manicure or whatever might come in handy.
Never buy clothes - her taste might not be the same as yours. The Snuggles blankets are very popular at the moment, so a good idea. Does she use handbags? Although that might be the same as clothes. Very difficult. Don't buy her a diet DVD I am fat and I would be most annoyed to think someone was telling me to diet, it's bad enough trying to.
hey yogi, i saw that!!! :)
Question Author
yea i ignored that comment about the diet Dvd >:(
yea she loves bags .i think that idea of a hair dressers voucher is good :) also the snuggies :D
all those wonderful craft shops that you have and you cant find a scar for under 20.......I don't believe it.

We have a small chain over here called uneeka and they do really nice ones for 14 GBP - my 13 yr old niece loved hers for her birthday......turquoise blue for a redhead
sorry, scarf
Or one of those scarfs that you wear in all sorts of ways.
boots voucher

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