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It was -8 here at 7am today,

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dotty. | 23:05 Mon 06th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
-5 tomorrow will be a luxury, but I'm on a day off and so stopping in bed lol


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take the cat with you to bed and a hot water bottle or two - and a hip flask of scotch perhaps.....
yes, I did see down your way was freezing dotty
It took me an hour to get to work today - normally it's a 5 minute journey :(
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i (with my usual oblivious optimism) went to catch a train to save risking driving in the freezing fog , waste of time, but the M55 wasn't too bad til I hit Blackpool
H cant get back to work in Yorkshire cos its deadlock in Central Scotland - first ever in the 13yrs we've been together that he has thought no way Jose yet he's been working in the NE England and Yorkshire -he had to get towed out and it was a pest but it wasnt as dangerous as this -its the black ice -lethtal :(
We had -21 over Thursday night but strangely once you reach a certain minus you dont feel any colder.
...stopping in bed, hope you have a laptop.
yes its about -15C - and the amazing this is the insatnt freezing of the moisture in your hair. Coldest for me has been -34 in Montreal.....(Hottest 50 in Kuwait)

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It was -8 here at 7am today,

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