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Developer Tools

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LoftyLottie | 16:24 Wed 08th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I just got a screen up (goodness knows how) entitled Answerbank Developer Tools. Does that mean I am in charge now? What would you like.............


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Vibra I love you!! You make me feel so young....................... ;o)
You're good vibes......but not that good.
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Seriously though, What was t his screen do you t hink - there were all sorts of hyroglyhics (sp. haha) on it and technical stuff. I only had AB open.
What browser are you using Lottie? Do you share it with anyone? It is possible you have a firefox add-on called "developer tools" which allows you to see various things which make up the site.

It is very unlikely that you've actually seen the admin areas however!

All the best,

Spare Ed
Are there any buttons there that if you hit them cause a big fist to pop out from the computer and bonk another user on the nose? If so, can I have one of them please..
I've always wanted a developing tool.....
CTRL + ALT + F + I + S + T + F12 + Shift + BackSpace + PageUp ... I think.
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Yeah best if you're facing the computer ...

Well, I say 'best' ... depends on your personal preferences, I suppose.
cake please and one of them things that china wants
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Spare Ed I wish I hadn't closed the screen. I don't have firefox. I share the computer but Mr LL rarely uses it. All I know is that my son is the administrator and does all the things needed remotely by network from his home. Far too technical for me to understand.
I'm going to be an auntie :c)
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I am on IE 8.
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The screen flashed up a couple of times. But hasn't done since.
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Congratulations China x
Thank you! :c)
Can I get my tool developed?
does that mean another trip to Oz china? congrats x
Baby sister, not blondie sister (who is also not blonde anymore).

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