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Just an observation

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Greedyfly | 15:40 Fri 18th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
How come the Featured Articles never change? Some are dated from 2002?




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We like to make sure everyone has read them all.

Spare Ed
Laziness greedyfly :)
The first page 4get
4get....the tab nest to Questions & Answers.
Question Author
Lol ED - Well I have viewed every one of them and have been here before some of them were even put up lol.

Be nice to have a few new ones, I like to learn something new every day and all that. =)

I only checked them out today because of that review we got in that magazine.
thanx ss24, i never knew that was there
well I cant say I have ever clicked on that tab
What magazine?
Webuser I believe. They said Answerbank was unhelpful but none of the reviewers actually posted any questions.
Dear Greedy,

Currently the system for changing them in inelegant. We will be addressing this "soon" we hope. I will pop a few more up for you now. Any particular subject you want on the front page?

Also, if you lick "articles" (the lighter tab above your question) you can see we have lots of articles in (nearly) every section.

All the best

Spare Ed
Question Author
Thanks Ed - nothing specific in mind. I like a to broaden my knowledge of anything really.

BTW the magazine review wasn't very good. How dare they! I am glad they apologised to you.
They're actually very nice people.

Spare Ed
Have you got a link to that greedy?
Question Author
Then they are forgiven Ed.

It was posted earlier I will have a look for you Ummm
Question Author
I love that Ed - an "inelegant" process. Will the new one come with stilettos and a Gucci bag :-) ?
We hope it is slicker. It should offer readers a small "snippet" of the article as well as the title. I think we could format it better as well. We'll work on it.

Spare Ed
Question Author
Thanks Ed, something new to read whilst awaiting replies on the AB
"Currently the system for changing them in inelegant".

How about now? ...

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