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Is the erection service

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McMouse | 11:23 Fri 10th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
offered by my shed supplier good value at £100?


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Plenty charge way more than that to get an erection, so i'd say yeah, good value.
Wouldn't viagra be cheaper? ;-)
Didn't you just know which way this thread would go . . .aahhhuuummm
can't you put it up yourself or get your OH to lend a hand?
fairly good for an erection service i would say
are they offering any free hoes in with the service?
Is an erection service like a motor car service?

You take it in for a quick once over, top up the lube, and so on.
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I need to have them in as I can't get it up myself.
im sure with their help you will rise to the occasion in your errection quest ;-)
Seriously, it depends on how big the shed is and if you have to have a base put down to stand it on. I think £100 is probably reasonable to erect it (I didn't put erection for obvious reasons, I'm trying to be serious), Iif he is supplying the shed as well it might be cheaper for him to do while he is on the premises.
Hard to say without more details ... how big is the shed, what base is it on? Who supplies what?
They can be a bit unstable.

£100 as an erection fee sounds good value, if you know it's going to be really solid, and it will stay up.
it depends how big it is i suppose.

is it a 4, 6 or 8er ?
JJ.......I have tried the.....they hung the job out and in the end I told them to get a spurt on.
It takes a good spurt at the end to get the job done.

Still, it's nice when it's all over.
an erected shed very handy for storing all your screws and nuts ;-) x
Is it a 6ft garden shed or a 200ft cattle shed?

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