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feeling sorry for myself

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jb190281 | 18:47 Fri 10th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
cos I'm missing the work Christmas do tonight, thanks to yet another bout of cold/flu/whatever which has left me stuck on the sofa.

suppose I should be grateful I'm not braving the cold or spending my money in rounds..


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Have you paid for the do?
Question Author
only a small deposit so great loss. even if I'd paid hundreds, I couldn't muster the strength to get off this sofa.
Something similar to me happened a few years ago and it was my birthday do as well. I was working in the day and then went home to get ready. I'd been feeling rough all day but I couldn't not go as it was my do. I had a shower etc and then went to have a lie down on my bed. I fell asleep then woke up a hour later feeling very weak and shivery. I forced myself to the pub but left at about 9 as I felt awful. Must have been a bad case of flu.
Question Author
always happens with great timing!
what kind of do was it jb?

aw, shame your too poorly to go.. never mind ..

and like you say youre saving money plus staying in the warm, so not so bad really..

when youre feeling perkier, treat yourself to something nice to make up for missing out on tonight ;o)
Indeed it does Jb. I was off sick the following week and spent most of that week shivering and aching in bed.
When are you due Jb?
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I'm due mid Feb, 10 weeks to go!
I bet you can't wait.
Question Author
understatement! I long to be comfortable again!
Same thing with me. I was huge even by 6 months and couldn't wait for it all to be over. Although it took a long time in my head the birth came round quite quick. You'll be fine xxx
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I've convinced myself I'll be early so I think I'll be on red alert after Christmas!
I always find that these things are a complete let down anyway. You look forward to it for ages and then it's rubbish - you get stuck sitting with someone you can't be bothered with or someone falls out with someone else or no one is in the mood. And it usually ends up costing a small fortune when you add up the meal, drinks, taxis, an outfit etc. You're better off having a cosy night in :)
I've changed my mind then Karen, in that case. I won't be coming for some of your stuffing. : )
I should be on mine too, but we cancelled cos of the weather and unreliable transport. :o(
Echo Karen -you couldnt drag me by the hair of the head to a works do....(love your avatar btw Karen).
Hope youre well soon jb -just cosy in and indulge yourself -much more fun:) x
I'm more a stuffee than a stuffer Al ;)

Thanks Dris, that's my daughter a long time ago :)
got mine next wednesday which is cr@p coz a work night so not much drink for me and I miss the local xmas quiz. being held on that night because boss said its a cheap night on Wednesdays!
Question Author
thanks all, made me realise I'm probably not missing much! although I will be gutted if I find out someone has a pop at the boss!

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feeling sorry for myself

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