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EV 944 Standard

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AndrewG-S | 16:57 Sun 05th Dec 2010 | Crosswords
13 Answers
An enjoyable puzzle this week. Was slow on the starter but sped up as the pudding beckoned.


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A fiddly one this week, but, once the penny had dropped it all fell into place quite nicely, but it took me a little while to work out how to place the lines !
The red that I'll be quaffing this evening though won't be on their wine lists !
Agreed, a lot of fun.
Typically solid fare from Samuel. Am I alone in finding 30ac slightly curious? The extra letter in the answer not given by the subsidiary indication is the same as the one which has to be highlighted, but it's in the wrong place. It doesn't quite work for me.
Turner, yes, I had the same problem with 30a. I concluded the whole thing was supposed to be anagrammed, but the clue is a bit shaky.
The h-g agrees that 30ac doesn't really gel. He is also not happy with 2dn. Apart from that it seems to be done and dusted (I am having a week off!). No red for us this week :( as we are on the pre-Christmas wagon.
Quite right about 2dn, Jogler. I had misread the BRB (as, presumably, Samuel had) and assumed that "afterwards" was a definition, but it clearly isn't. It just explains how the second meaning came into being after the first. Good spot!
I'm happy enough with 2D, but maybe not smart enough to see the problem. We're just (with difficulty ) back from a weekend in London where we sampled one of the relevant answers, so it was a fun crossword for me.
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copelander - lucky you! whereabouts in the grid and would you recommend it?
An across answer near the top and to the right. Excellent! We also went to the American Bar in he newly refurbished Savoy..... awesome!!
Sounds like a good weekend, copelander!

I agree an enjoyable experience, but I had to re-do as I found I had not used an "appropriate" highlighter.

Looking at the solution to EV 941 "The Sign of Four" I had simplistically put "4" in the 3 cells to be signed, whereas ++++ were required. I suppose these represent the four crosses on the treasure map in the story - although perhaps xxxx (X marks the spot) would have done as well.
Hi Slaney

Thanks for the note about EV 941. I did exactly the same as you and entered a 4 without so much as a second thought!

A bit late but Happy Birthday for yesterday.

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Me too on the 4s and realised I forgot some highlighting this week too. Sign of four = 4, seems good to me.
Somewhat late posting - not much time this week - but all done and dusted now. Enjoyed the puzzle but got in my usual tangle sorting out names etc. Just not organised enough when doing it. Got there in the end, though

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EV 944 Standard

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