Don;t do what I did bigeye, I poured Domestos into the detergent tray drawer, I set the machine going, and ended up with loads of froth. It was oozing out of the door and the drawer I had to literally scoop it out into a bucket it took ages to shift. I now use half cup of soda crystals in an empty machine. Or the tablets you can buy,
I've had a couple of washes at 90 degrees and I've used up plenty of elbow grease, a bit of bleach and some other cleaning products and taken out and thoroughly cleaned the soap dispenser, but I still find little brown marks on white shirts.
I'll try using white vinegar- thanks for the tip, douglas
My need-to-clean area is the bottom of the door seal, where all the stale water and bits of grot collect - it's a nasty brown colour on the grey seal, but won't scrape off with a finger nail. What's best for that?
One cup of white vinegar straight into the drum then a 90 degree wash with no load.
Run through once a month to avoid smells and deposits recurring. A domestic appliance engineer recommended the above as well as using about half the suggested amount of powder when washing and we've had no problems since.
As an afterthought, if you have access to Costco, they do a gallon of vinegar for hardly any money, lasts ages.
I have those dirty looking marks inside my doorseal too, boxy, an engineer said he'd seen worse but he recommended wiping it with domestos (again^^) leave it for a while then rinse off, it hasn't shifted it completely from mine yet..