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what person/band/artist would you shell out a lot of money to see?

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Bobbisox | 23:10 Fri 10th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
up to £100?


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an hour with Katherine Jenkins
OMG did you? I was a fan of Johnny Cash from the age of 12, bought his San Quentin LP and was sold! I had all Kristofferson's LPs in the early 70s, Jody and The Kid was my fave song i think, still have those LPs here,
if i had to choose just one, it would be Rory Gallagher
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When I was wee my dad used to play a beegees album quite a lot, and I always used to cover my ears - I think the pitch was painful for me or something. Never could take to them as an adult :)
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Very true Steve ;)
I'd pay to see a rejuvenated Margaret Thatcher back in power as P.M.
Meat Loaf
Hi Bobbisox

I'd actually have loved to have seen the Sex Pistols but was too young. I do shell out a lot to go to gigs, and would pay £100 to see Billy Connolly as he's fab.
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what person/band/artist would you shell out a lot of money to see?

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