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was Lee-b removed?

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dotty. | 19:03 Tue 14th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
he of the drug and drink crazed dash for the airport to use the t'internet cafe? (I've been to asdas, did you know they are not open Boxing Day? )


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he is not the only one, someone who replied on an innocent thread with me in technology was also zapped, maybe the ed knows something I dont
Thanks for that dot. What about the other major retail outlets?
Cazzz, if it's the poster I think you are talking about it might have something to do with every single one of their replies having a link to the same mobile phone site.
lol shows how much notice I take of their replies!
yes, but then mary-m arrived :)
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well I guess all the large supermarkets will be closed if asdas are, it's sunday anyway, they're open 8 - 8 on the monday and tuesday too, I'm only off xmas day and the tuesday, (were you bein sarcastic?)
Jock McTavish's are open over xmas but not new year
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what debacle had mary-m to report, i must say some of them are very convoluted, how do they find the time?
Are they opening Christmas Day?
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What about the day after Boxing Day?
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see above lol
Asda, where I live is open boxing Day 10 til 4.
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is it? wonder why ours isn't unless they take it in turn with sainsburys, which is just up the road .
Tsk... last time I take advice from dot...

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was Lee-b removed?

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