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ttfn | 21:02 Tue 14th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Sorry I missed your birthday - is hospital a good enough excuse? Nah, didn't think so ;o) Hope you had a great birthday


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ttfn, does big sis have carpets or laminate ??????
lol anne , lets hope its laminate.

glad you're ok ttfn and lets be nice murphy is a boy's name after all....
fluff, its difficult to tell the sex from a santa hat !!!!!
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Unless there are 2 bobbles on the hat anne?
Fluff - carpeted throughout, but, surprisingly for a residence in the countryside, it does have an inside loo. If only I was allowed on the furniture.....
murphy is well insulted apparently is a very feminine santa hat

well that's what i reckon she'd say if she wasn;' sprawled over my feet snoring

not ttfn if you behave i'm sure you'll be allowed on the furniture soon, just promise not to dribble
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sara - I did post on ummmm's thread albeit a tad late - sorry. ttfn cant get it right tonight ;o)

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