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Live chatterbank?

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Beswad | 23:11 Tue 14th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
What are the chances of Answerbank intergrate a live chatroom on this site?


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No need for iterminable "Where are...........?" threads.
lol Beswad @ stag............... that could of fluffed your Answerbank career, just as well you are from 04 lol (it's a long story)
It would be a great laugh ... for about 3 minutes and 17 seconds ... ymmv
Think of all the repeats we would get on a quiet weekend. And besides I'd have to get dressed if you are talking about web-cam live.
Don't you think we chat enough on here?
I agree Naz, would love to see how it would go!............
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@dotty. there isn't the spontanuity like a live chat room.

I guess the overwhelming consensus is ....nay!
-- answer removed --
Live chat could just open as a big screen of web cams instead of typing we chat voice to voice or hold up boards saying rude things or suggestive pictures... ow ah missus

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