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Sqad I need your advice again!

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tigwig | 16:23 Sun 12th Dec 2010 | Health & Fitness
9 Answers
Right this time my 11mth old has conjunctivitus. He's had it since Thurs but it wasn't that bad until yesterday. I had hoped it would go away on its own but obviously it hasnt. I borrowed some cream off a friend whose daughter has had it as I didn't want to wait an hour in the doctors to be seen (like she did) and the pharmacist would not sell them to me over the counter. However I cannot get the bloody stuff in his eyes and wanted drops so we went to the chemist and told them it was my husband who has it. He's been given some Optrex infected eyes which is chloramphenicol and it says to use it every 2 hrs but surely that is too frequent for a baby? Should I use it 2-3 times a day?


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Chloramphenicol drops every 4 hours will cleat it up in a couple of days.
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Thank you once again!
I would also recommend cleaning it with cooled boiled water regularly throughout the day alongside the drops.

Fairly recent research has shown the ' cure rate' for conjunctivitis is the same if treated with chloramphenicol as a placebo.

Over use of this drug can be associated with gray baby syndrome although this its usually in very high doses. It is not available over the counter for under twos to ensure the correct condition is being treated and something more problematic is mimicking conjunctivitis.
york....I was under the impression that Gray Baby Syndrome was only caused by parenteral Chloromycetin and not topical use.....but I will check after I have been to the dentist which will almost certainly provoke.Grey Sqad Syndrome.

Thanks again.
The risk of grey baby syndrome and aplastic anaemia in children is extremely small and pretty much theoretical.
Just back from dentist............can´t stand pain ;-)

York ...thanks, those may be the side effects when Chloramphenicol is given parenterally i.e mainly by injection.........they havent been reported following topical use.
not wise to give anyone medication which has not been prescribed , nor is it wise to use medication t especially on a baby which was given to an adult........IMO
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Had it been something more serious I would agree anne but its only eye drops and being a nursery nurse in the past, I've seen tons of babies with the condition, knew it was definitely that and just wanted to treat my baby quickly without being a burden in to my surgery and inconveniencing myself (picking up god knows what in the process) by waiting bloody ages too. I would never dream of giving him any other kind of medicine that wasn't prescribed. problem and have a nice holiday.

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Sqad I need your advice again!

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